Systems in The Age of AI and Big Data

Can we tolerate this change?
August 21, 2024 by
Systems in The Age of AI and Big Data
Alwaleed Bin Nasser Almisned
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Why do they collect your data?

We are in the year 2024 where the AI is invading our life, most of the daily processes are transferring to smart devices in a way that integrate to an AI or a big data platform. Everyone is trying to get all the information about us directly like the government that needs us to provide data to give us our rights to live or indirectly when we place an order online, both of them government and private sectors are collecting huge amount of data about us to do things they say about to make our life easier but they are getting money and more money from every single bit of data. Or, they want to predict our behavior to control us or prevent a catastrophic event.

What may harm you?

It became a matter of sustainability in this smart environment, for companies who wants to keep making profit while providing legal product or service. Companies generates money from sales and expend it in progressing and running the operation of the daily tasks. It is that simple, the smart leader will do the best to keep the expenditure down and increase the sales, doing so will keep the company running but will exhaust the leaders if they are still using the traditional management methods.

Based on our financial statement, rent is costing approximately 50% of the overhead, accommodation and store or factory rents are the biggest part of it. Paying rent in Qatar is the part where most leaders excuse themselves for not making high profit or even making profit at all and I am one of them. If all leaders moves toward real estates business and neglect the other sectors what will be the source to pay the rent? keep reading....

The only way to keep your business running is to minimize the cost and do good marketing for your services or work with the government sector where they pay more the actual price of the product due to the special requests they ask to deliver. Not all leaders have access to such opportunity.

Keep thinking this way to operate your business will take you nowhere, but if you look out of the box and step ahead of all by letting the AI invade your business you will have a lot of fun.

Where do we need AI?

Operation management has no more invention or new process to create, most of the ideas to accomplish tasks exist somewhere else where someone thought about and implemented it successfully. Globalization and standardization of companies is now reachable with your mobile, all what you need to do is to search for the task and thousands of ideas will display in front of you. We don't need to think a lot about solving problems in the time where you can chat with a robot who will try thousands of solutions in a blink of an eye and report which one is the best option.

In Qatar, Minimizing the cost to operate a company is becoming the main target for us if we want to sustain our business, and doing this task using the artificial intelligence is the smartest way. It is saving a lot of time finding a solution and accomplishing a task. Relying on the big data like Facebook, Google, Amazon, Linked In is not an easy task if you want to integrate their data with yours, but if you integrate the AI this task will be an easy job.

We must allow the AI help us to find more time to enjoy, isn't it the purpose of good life to enjoy with other people like you. It is not a bad idea to spend time communicating with a device that will save your thoughts and analyze it, thus, AI can increase your productivity and quality of life.

Your home may use devices that make it smart and being a place to live in which is programmed to serve you the way you like, and repeat the task without hesitation or mistakes. having devices that sense the atmosphere and your existence in the house to make it feel exactly as you like without asking or instructing someone to do it, this will open a new era where we will start thinking about doing other useful staff to our beloved people.

Ride a vehicle that will drive automatically to your destination is becoming the talk of the world, this function will most probably eliminate the car accidents. AI will know in advance the intention of all the vehicles who exist in the same area of the road and plan ahead the directions.

How can you survive?

Odoo, Zigbee, CoSS, Industry 5.0, Auto Pilot, and Tesla Bots are all new terms, it is started to shape our life in a way that makes it more fun to live and enjoyable. And being part of it is a must either we do like it or not, otherwise there will be a war between human and robots like Hollywood movies which will destroy our world. In the book "Life 3.0" Max Tegmark mentioned the idea of implanting a microchip in the human and deploy android who will kill any human that has not implanted a microchip, so such ideas are becoming a scary movie and it is doable now.

We need to learn and control this technology and be part of its leaders to have power when we talk to each other that will raise the sense of respect if we have more or less the same level of knowledge.

Inventing a car now is being much easier since in the past, the fuel combustion engine vehicle used more than 4000 parts to have a driven car while Electric Vehicle may work with less than a 500 parts. You will feel how smart the life is being when you drive an EV and launch the autopilot. What we saw in the movies earlier is real now.

If you have a company that work in Qatar and making loss start integrating Odoo system, it is the smartest move that you may do to make profit by eliminating all the unnecessary cost. Kaisen, Lean Management and Total Quality Management terms are implemented out of the box when you implement Odoo.

Make you life smart, change your home and office electricity, water and ventilation to fully automatic system to save the money and the environment and to make your life easy.

Drive an electric vehicle will save you maintenance cost and fuel charge, add the quiet driving experience and safest journey.

If you are running a factory start changing the machine operation to automatic feeder and loaders that will help your operators to produce more items and similar quality.


This is the age of AI and all countries are using the AI either they stand with or against it, Qatar is moving into digital systems and will not accept people to stay behind and will force you to use the digital systems.

Sooner or later all companies will not accept working with papers and all our transaction must be done in digital way, start learning now how to move into the digital world with all means.

Find a mentor who may advise you to make a proper change gradually to digitalize your business.

Systems in The Age of AI and Big Data
Alwaleed Bin Nasser Almisned August 21, 2024
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